Hints & Tips Articles

What is a Deciduous Tree?

What is a Deciduous Tree?

Trees cover a diverse range of different species ranging from acacia to Irish yew - but they tend to fall into only two categories, depending on the climate they grow in. Evergreens (such as the coniferous Douglas Fir and spruces we might decorate with during the...

How To Tell If You Need A Tree Surgeon

While some routine garden tasks can be handled alone, others may require help from an expert. Tree care and maintenance is one area where this is likely to be the case. If you are based in the Northwest, your local tree surgeon Manchester will be able to assess your...

How To Plant A Tree

Like most gardening tasks, planting a tree requires know-how and timing. Learning about the right tools and techniques for the job can help to give it the best start in life. To help you get started, here is a guide on how to plant a tree, including maintenance tips...

What Is Tree Pollarding?

In the world of arborioculture (or as it’s otherwise known - tree maintenance), you might come across certain words you don’t recognise. Whether you are a novice gardener or a seasoned professional, if you are responsible for the upkeep and care of trees,...

The Tree Lifecycle: How Do Trees Grow?

 If you’ve ever looked up at leafy treetops and wondered “how do trees grow?”, the short answer is in three ways: from their branches, roots, and trunk (which all expand to support continued growth) - but the actual  tree lifecycle is far more complex: a grand journey...

Rowan Tree – Sorbus Aucuparia

The rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia) are deciduous trees or shrubs found in the genus Sorbus of the rose family, Rosaceae. Although the silver-coloured, smooth bark of rowans appears similar to ash (Fraxinus excelsior) or elder (Sambucus nigra) trees, rowans are...


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Elm House Tree Services
112 Railway Road
M41 0YD



Mon: 8am - 7pm
Tue: 8am - 7pm
Wed: 8am - 7pm
Thur: 8am - 7pm
Fri: 8am - 7pm
Sat: 8am - 7pm
Sun: Closed

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